Women who blog – Way to network with each other!


Found this at Downtown Women’s Club WomensDish blog. What a great idea! Women supporting other women who blog. Read this list, try reading the ones that sound interesting. Great way to meet other women and keep up with cool and interesting developments among dynamic women just like you. I’ve added Kirsten Osolind’s ReinventionInc. and Sharan Tash’s The Pronetworker.

The W List – Women who blog

45 Things by Anita Bruzzese
advergirl Leigh Householder
Back in Skinny Jeans by Stephanie Quilao
Biz Growth News by Krishna De
BlogWrite for CEOs Debbie Weil
Brand Sizzle Anne Simons
Branding & Marketing Chris Brown
Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk
CK’s Blog CK (Christina Kerley)
Communication Overtones Kami Huyse
Conscious Business by Anne Libby
Conversation Agent Valeria Maltoni
Corporate PR Elizabeth Albrycht
Customers Rock! Becky Carroll
Deborah Schultz by Deborah Schultz
Diva Marketing Blog Toby Bloomberg
Dooce by Heather B. Armstrong
Email Marketing Best Practices Tamara Gielen
Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim
eSoup by Sharon Sarmiento
Feministing by Jessica, Vanessa, Samhita, Ann, Celina, Jen and Courtney
Flooring The Consumer CB Whittemore
Forrester’s Marketing Blog Shar, Charlene, Chloe, Christine Elana, Laura and Lisa
FunnyBusiness by Elana Centor
Get Fresh Minds by Katie Konrath
Get Shouty by Katie Chatfield
Hey Marci by Marci Alboher
Inspired Business Growth by Wendy Piersall
J.T. O’Donnell Career Insights by J.T. O’Donnell
Kinetic Ideas Wendy Maynard
Learned on Women by Andrea Learned
Learning Optimism by Nataly Kogan
Lindsey Pollak by Lindsey Pollak
Lip-Sticking by Yvonne DeVita and Lena West
Liz Strauss at Successful Blog by Liz Strauss
Little Red Suit by Tiffany Monhollon
Lorelle on WordPress by Lorelle VanFossen
Manage to Change by Ann Michael
Management Craft by Lisa Haneberg
Marketing Roadmaps Susan Getgood
Moda di Magno by Lori Magno
Modite by Rebecca Thorman
Narrative Assets by Karen Hegman
Presto Vivace Blog Alice Marshall
Productivity Goal by Carolyn Manning
Reinvention Inc. blog by Kirsten Osolind
Spare Change Nedra Kline Weinreich
::Surroundings:: by Linda Merrill
That’s What She Said by Julie Elgar
Tech Kitten by Trisha Miller
The Blog Angel aka Claire Raikes
The Brand Dame by Lyn Chamberlin
The Copywriting Maven Roberta Rosenberg
The Engaging Brand by Anna Farmery
The Origin of Brands Laura Ries
The Podcast Sisters by Krishna De, Anna Farmery and Heather Gorringe
The Pronetworker Blog by Sharan Tash
The SWWAN Blog by Barbara Payne
Water Cooler Wisdom by Alexandra Levit
Wealth Strategy Secrets by Money Gym author and Founder Nicola Cairncross.
What’s Next Blog B L Ochman
Wiggly Wigglers authored by fellow Podcast Sister Heather Gorringe
WomensDISH by Diane K. Danielson and friends
Ypulse by Anastasia Goodstein

As Diane, author of WomensDish and founder of DWC, notes: The W List is the invention of Valeria Maltoni at Conversation Agent. See her posting here. It’s up to us women to use the Internet to help us create the old girls network that’s the best possible way for us to begin strengthening our ability to achieve all we want.

Add your own favorite woman blogger and post it on your site – then send an email to all your contacts!

Former TV star's advice on living alone


She was the cute and savvy sidekick on the 60s television series “Get Smart.” At some point in her life Barbara Feldon’s marriage dissolved and nothing else seemed on the horizon. Eventually, she adapted and is now thriving–her book, “Living alone and loving it: a guide to relishing the solo life,” offers some cool advice. A few points:

  • Stop imagining that marriage is a solution for loneliness.
  • Nurture a glowing self image that is not dependent on an admirer.
  • Value connections that might be overlooked.
  • Develop your creative side.
  • End negative thinking. (Just say “Stop it!” when those thoughts intrude.)

A really important item: Live within your means – ruthlessly. Give up the idea of an ideal caretaker who will provide a safe haven and relieve you of your responsibility for your financial security.

Like this one. Treasure your home – it is a portrait of what you think of yourself. Explore your own taste – unfettered. “Your space is the litmus test of your self-esteem.”

And especially appreciate this one: “Our romantic nature is one of the dearest aspects of being human. Whether it is expressed directly in mating or sublimated in friendship, affection, fantasy or art, it deserves to be celebrated and encouraged to take wing.” Concentrate on the loving connections in your life – not on what is missing.