Did you file your taxes yet? How much did it hurt? Maybe you don’t even know…
This image depicts the total tax revenue (not adjusted for inflation) for the U.S. federal government from 1980 to 2009 compared to the amount of revenue coming from individual income taxes. The data comes from the Office of Management and Budget’s record of the ‘Budget of the US Government FY 2011’, specifically the ‘Historical Tables, Table 2.1.’ The information is also here. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Did you know that if you’re single you’re paying significantly more – like 1000 times more – to live than a married person? A recent study took the case of two single women versus two married women and did a deep analysis of the costs of living. They included only the major categories such as health, housing, income taxes and so on. It’s enlightening – and painful – to read these statistics , but the little tongue-in-cheek asides are entertaining. Check it out.
And while you’re at it, here’s another set of observations about the cost of living single – written to be cute but still painful to read when you realize they’re all true.
Since nowadays 51% of United States citizens are single, and that trend continues to rise both here and in countries around the world, it’s time the government begins to realize that penalizing people for remaining single is not working as a way to encourage marriage. They need to start being fair to singles and go back to the drawing board on how to promote getting – and staying – married.
Here’s an idea: a huge billboard and television ad campaign about how fabulous the paybacks are for being a good father and a respectful, caring husband who truly shares the work at home. How loving and even passionate life can get when a woman is consistently treated fairly and appreciatively, on the job and in her home.
A whole new world, folks. Happy tax day.