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It’s often not a simple matter to change things—or get out—when you’re in a relationship that hurts you in some way. But listening to other women offer encouraging words can be a powerful way to help yourself. The Internet can be a source of help for women all over the world.
A SWWAN partner, 1000 Women Can Change the World, has started a new website where you can download recordings made by women who’ve been there, women who know how you feel–who “get” what you’re going through.
You’ll be safe looking at the material—it won’t show up in your Internet history—and there’s even a “quick escape” button you can use in case you need to close the window fast.
It’s sad to think of having to hide what you do. And even sadder to think you might have to go through another holiday season feeling that way. Take a look and be inspired.
I hope your Thanksgiving was warm and full of love and kindness and good food. If it wasn’t, we hope to be a source of comfort and inspiration in the year to come and beyond.