Do you feel like you’re in a rut?
Last year we were privileged to have Monika Moss visit us on the SWWAN Dive radio show. Here’s a link to her session on Life Mapping—her own specially developed technique for breaking through the dailiness and getting to where you really want to go.
She’s doing a public seminar during the upcoming holiday made just for SWWANs, Single Working Women’s Week. If you’re anywhere near Cleveland and you want to change your life, here’s the info:
Life Mapping: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Path Finding
Retreat Seminar
with Monika K. Moss
August 7, 2010 10 am – 5 pm
Register here
If you feel stuck. If you feel like you need support making this transition.
If you have forgotten what you dreamed of being when you grew up. If you just can’t seem to figure out what is holding you back. Come spend the day mapping your life with Monika K. Moss.
For over 20 years, Master Mapper, successful business consultant and life coach, Monika K. Moss has been making her dreams come true through this process called Life Mapping. She has dedicated her talents to helping people transform themselves and move toward a more peaceful and enlightened way of being. Monika shares her Life Mapping process which has helped hundreds of individuals chart a map to their ideal lifestyle, enrich their lives and bring added value to their family, organizations and community.  The exercises in the book allow anyone to map a route from vision to reality. Life Mapping has guided Monika in overcoming life’s obstacles and creating a road to success, happiness and joy. Spend the day with Monika and create a road map to your ideal life style.
This one-day retreat will guide you through the process so you leave with a clear vision, new awareness about what is getting in the way and an action plan for the next 90 days to guide you and keep you focused.
Upcoming Retreat:
The Mandala Center for the Healing Arts
114 East Park Street (Chardon Square, 44024, two doors from the library in the brown building, parking lot in front)
August 7, 2010 10 am – 5 pm
Register here