Bed sheets and procrastination cogitation


Ever feel like you just can’t find the oomph to do something new? Or to take the next step on a project that’s been hanging over your head for weeks or months? Writer‘s block is like that. You know perfectly well there are a million things you want to say, and yet when you think about going to your blog, you decide there are 50 other things you have to do that are more urgent.

A typical single working woman’s Sunday: Make a deposit, update your records, wash and change the bed sheets,Clean bed sheets can be an accomplishment
take out the garbage, pack up and take out the recyclables, make a pot of soup, pet your dog/cat/rabbit, go to the grocery store, return books to the library, get the car washed, count the loose change in your purse and do something with it, record your receipts, pick up the clothes in the bathroom, and…well, you get the idea.

Some folks say if you just start writing–don’t think about what you’re going to say–you can get the juices flowing that way. Last week my sister, a professional paralegal, agreed to come over and help me get rolling to complete the application to the IRS for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for the SWWAN Foundation–a project that’s been sitting there for months in varying states of forward movement. We made good progress ’til our brother arrived and it was time to have a glass of wine and cook supper. Guess what? Still got a few sections to go.

Ah, well. Just think. There are days when I might have been going through personal email all morning instead of doing all those chores I got done today (well, almost all of them). So it seems that, in fact, one day’s procrastination is often another day’s accomplishment.

It’s all in how you look at it.

Image credit: Wikipedia

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Go with the flow…and meet AtMP


How do you balance your time when you’re trying to deliver the services you offer, keep up your marketing programs, continue to network, start a new organization (including people, websites, sponsors, etc. etc.), get in your usual single-handed household/car/pet chores, keep up your exercise, and enjoy the spring weather?

Can it be done? Well, probably some things don’t get as much attention as you’d like. And maybe, like me, your choice of what’s going to get the most today is randomly determined. But if you’re like me on this, too, a beautiful spring day makes all things seem possible and you figure what you miss today you’ll get done another.

Was delighted this past weekend to meet a bunch of members of what will soon become a sister organization to SWWAN — the Alternatives to Marriage Project (AtMP). Their website is and that alone can tell you why we feel a good fit! They are committed to political action to change the unfavorable status of single people/couples under the law. Stay tuned as we develop our relationship…