Talking with a Wall Street Journal reporter last week about how the current economic madness is affecting single women head-of-households. Here are some thoughts.
What else are you doing that’s different?
If we ever needed further evidence of the trend toward remaining single in America, this is it. Look at these stats:
More single women want to own their own home… either they want more space or they want less home to take care of. Or they’re moving to be closer to a job, to school, or to family. Heck, that’s why I bought in Chicago. After a few decades away, I was ready to come back and be closer to my siblings. Funny how perspectives can change as you grow older.
Another younger single woman bought because she had decided to become a single mom. Others are tired of fighting the constantly rising rents in big cities. Here’s what Elizabeth Weintraub, of About.com’s homebuying section, says about single women and home buying:
Trends for Single Women Home Buyers
Sound familiar? I didn’t even realize when I moved here how incredibly convenient my location is to public transportation–I actually have 3 completely different ways to access the multitude of routes and options in the city. I’m only the second stop away from Union Station on the train line–that’s a mere 15 minutes from downtown Chicago. There’s a grocery store half a block from my home–I can walk there, pick out my items, and be back in 20 minutes. The CVS on the corner carries drugs, cosmetics and wine. What more could a single working woman want?
If you’ve got stories about your home buying dreams or your experiences, please share them with our readers. Visit us here and share!