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Have been hiding under my shell somewhat lately. Just too much going on in my life. My apologies. But we have some wonderful news for SWWANs of all ages and positions in life and work.
You now have an opportunity to participate–and no charge–in an 8-week series of telephone interviews with some amazingly powerful women. The group we’re partnering with is “Women Living on the Verge of Evolution.” And the topics are all about the power and impact of women on today’s world.
Last week I attended the session with Etta D. Jackson. I was impressed with her deep understanding of the inner meaning of life on many planes and dimensions. She has the real-world credentials of course—a B.A. in Biology and two M.S. degrees: one in Psychoanalytic Counseling and Development and the other in Administrative Leadership and Supervision, and she’s a Licensed Psychotherapist—but it was her confident grasp of the importance of the changing role of women in our universe that most impressed me.
Etta has written three books:
-Understanding Your Choice
-Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle
-The Role of Consciousness in Governance
They say about her: “She has always known on the deepest levels of her being the Oneness of all life, and that all differences are only parts of the One Unifying Whole. She shares with you in her books the fact that Man is, in fact, the great mystery that he has been searching for; and that in knowing himself he comes to know God. It is her firm belief that Man’s primary purpose on Earth is to answer the deep questions that lead to a knowledge of himself. And in this knowing all separation ends and he comes to know his true relationship to God and his fellowman.
In addition to all this, she’s a mom and a grandmother. So she’s mired in the real world, too. She is just one of the powerful women who will be presenting at the International Convocation in Las Vegas, Thursday, September 16 through Saturday, September 18. Hotel specials, etc. Mark your calendar!!
Tonight we’re going to learn more about how to tap into our greatest inner resources. Valencia Ray, MD (called the Confidence Doc) will explain:
- Why we tend to lose touch with our authentic hopes, dreams and aspirations so that you can begin to take steps to find your way back to them
- How we come to define ourselves and the science behind this process, so that you can begin to rewire your self-image to one that serves you now
- Recognize some commonly held myths that can block you from expanding the vision for your life and begin to take the actions that can create a new vision for your life so that you can let your light shine and live more authentically
This is great stuff. If you want to get the notices for each week’s session, visit the WomenLivingontheVergeofEvolution website and sign up.
Oh, and by the way, I will be speaking at a conference session during Single Working Women’s Week (Aug 1-7, 2010). Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 4, at 8 pm CT (6 pm PT, 9 pm ET). I’m working on the agenda now. If you have any ideas of things you’d like to talk about, please email me at barbara dot payne at swwan dot org.
Looking forward to celebrating the fourth annual Single Working Women’s Week with all of you.