Our silver necklace to celebrate Single Working Women’s Week
Found out a few days ago I’m in for another open-heart surgery. My trusty 13-year-old cow valve has calcified so much it’s almost closed. No wonder I haven’t been able to walk down the street without gasping for breath!
Makes you think. When you’re told you’re heading for a life-saving/life-threatening operation, you have to start weighing priorities. So many tasks and dreams to postpone…
Thank heavens for my loving family members who are clearing their schedules to be with me – even though the hospital rules aren’t allowing anyone to come back into the prep room! Glad they’re being proactive about the virus, but it sure sucks not to have my loved ones back there with me. But positive thoughts anyway!
Hoping to get at least a small version of my memoir/cookbook – working title 27 Ways to Eat Your Way to Happiness: Recipes and Kitchen Stories from a Single Working Woman – done before the date. Thank God it’s spring. Now hoping the building will turn on the central A/C early with this 80-degree weather in early May!