SWWANs (and other working women) speak out


This Toronto newspaper columnist wrote about a guy complaining about his wife and, boy, did she get an earful back from women. Here’s a really good one from a SWWAN in Chicago:

“From Exhausted: As a single young woman who works in a male-dominated industry I hear gripes about the wife all day long. Here’s a thought: DIVORCE! Unless children are involved (and then there are gripes about child support). You should’ve thought twice before dating and marrying that materialistic, gold-digging, Barbie-doll huh, dude? Personally, I work two jobs to support myself. I pay for my own home, make car payments, pay the bills, cut the grass, do the laundry, blah, blah, blah. If this guy (and several co-workers) is typical of what guys think and feel behind women’s backs, I’m dumping my boyfriend tonight and buying a dog.”

Read the rest of the entertaining and illuminating responses here.

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