If you have a ton of stress in your life–and let’s face it, many of us SWWANs do–you may have tried various things. I highly recommend learning to “meditate,” not any mysterious, cult-like thing, just a simple relaxation technique that lets your brain shift into alpha (read: calm and clear) wavess for a short while. It does wonders for stress, fatigue and overload. Even more powerful if you combine it with a meaningful prayer or poem. Read more about it Beyond the Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson.
And now the practice of chiropractic has caught on to a new system for diagnosing and relieving stress, even if it’s stress from an early life event, a trauma, or other emotional issue. And EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF these feelings. It combines the practice of Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing that uses the wisdom of your own body for diagnostics) with Neuro-Emotional Techniques. I have a friend who says it’s worked miracles for her when used with nutritional changes (things like cutting out sugar and processed flour and foods as much as possible).