- Image by Upaya via Flickr
It can be devastating to reach a time in your life when you are hungering for something more—and yet unable to name it or find a way to it. And yet, think about this: “The Dalai Lama recently said, ‘The world will be saved by the western woman.’” He believes that we, as women of the western world, are going to be leaders in a movement towards a greater humanity. And he believes that because of the passion and caring commitment he’s seeing so many of us women putting out. Maybe that hunger inside you is your gentle call to play your part…
If you need a big shot of belief about this, check out this website: Women Living on the Verge of Evolution. And then if you want to really immerse yourself in this exciting tribute to expanding possibilities, you can attend an inspiring and empowering conference coming up in two weeks. It’ll be held in Las Vegas—not a bad place for a long weekend of inspiration—on September 16 to 18 at the Alexis Park Resort Hotel. There’s a special price going on now only until Friday evening—visit the website for details.
I’ve attended some of the telesummit conferences that have been going on for the past 18 weeks, and let me tell you, there are some amazing women giving presentations at this conference. And I know the woman who’s masterminding this—she’s full of grace and wisdom and energy and is on a mission to share all these resources with you.
You can usually find a cheap flight to Vegas—if you feel drawn to this, I’m confident you’ll be amply rewarded for investing the time and the bucks.