I’m excited. Tune in tonight and hear Leah Young of WLoVE (Women Living on the Verge of Evolution) interview me and Dr. Karen Gail Lewis–the wonderful clinical expert who specializes in helping single women feel empowered–and encouraging single women who already feel that way!
We’ll be talking about the realities and the myths surrounding the lives of single women in today’s society. Dr. Lewis has some great ideas on the 6 or 7 absolutely essential things to make sure your life is as full of love and intimacy as any human being could want–and not one of them is about waiting for something outside yourself to happen!
photo credit: egor.gribanov
photo credit: egor.gribanov
photo credit: gcoldironjr2003
Register here for the call-in information: http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/?af=1197554 It’s a phone/web simulcast at 8 pm CT/9ET.