DOES it get better than this?


I remember once seeing a newspaper article taped to someone’s refrigerator. It was a well-written article talking about a commercial that glorified a just-the-guys’ weekend–can’t remember if it was hunting or fishing or camping. The main thing was, they had their beer and each other. And the tagline was “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

The author of the article, a man, went on to say how inappropriate he thought that tagline was. He talked about his relationships with his children, and particularly with his wife, and how that’s the sort of image that really belongs with a tagline like that.

I remember having a brief discussion with my father about this. And what a point of difference we had–it just showed that we were living/thinking/breathing on such different planes that it was a miracle we could ever cross the divide and reach each others’ minds.

We’re going to be interviewing Dr. Karen Gail Lewis on our SWWAN Dive radio show on July 17. Her book, “With or Without a Man,” is a sensitive analysis of what it really means to be single. She’s a professional therapist/counselor, a single woman herself, and she’ll talk frankly about both the bad and the good parts of being single.

“7 Shocking Truths Every Single (or Single Again) Woman Must Know” mark your calendar to join us on that call. Her stories are fascinating, and her advice is perceptive and wise. You might already know everything she’s going to say. But sometimes it’s exquisitely rewarding to share your dreams, hopes, fears and joys with others.

Ziff Davis's Darryl Taft tells it like it is for women


How often do you hear a man talking about how tough it can be for women in the working world? Well, this Ziff Davis reporter, who happens to be African American, is really cutting through the fluff with this article. He truly listened to some of the 500 women in IT that he sat with at this conference, where one of the agenda items was to go through the responses to a survey of 700+women. Here’s a quote from a woman who’d been a merchant seaman:

“It was a really hard life. I was the only girl on the ship. I had to work twice as hard as the men… Does this sound familiar to any of you?”

Of course it did, as the applause and murmuring in the room proved.

“I need to demo something 1,000 times before I’m taken seriously.”

And here’s Darryl’s take on why he stood out:

“As a black man I’m used to being in the minority at tech events, sometimes being the only one in a room. But I’ve never really noticed. At Women in Technology, I definitely noticed, not because I felt out of place, but because there was such a strong sense of camaraderie amongst the women in the room. It was palpable…”

Hey, that’s what SWWAN is all about–facilitating camaraderie among single women for all those times when being single makes a difference.

The state of singleness–stats and the Christian viewpoint


Looking around for another way to get the word out about our upcoming holiday – Single Working Women’s Week. Checking out Google adwords, I thought well, single women would not be looking for the term “single women” on the Internet (probably even if they were gay!). So I was trying to think of another term. Typed in “single men” just for the helluvit and found this interesting website that claims to have statistics (from 2002 census data) on the rate of single men to single women by county all across the U.S.

Not that women are typing in that term either, though–except for dating and matchmaking sites. Seems the Internet has replaced the local church as the place for singles to meet. Which brings me to the long Christian tract I found about how single people must accept their condition as God’s will. A particularly telling quote from a male missionary about how it’s not necessarily tough to be single everywhere:

“Our North American society is structured definitely for couples. Not so the tribe of Ayangan Ifugaos among whom I work. Although 99 percent of the men are married, they don’t look at the one percent as weird. The social cost only hits me when I return home–in the churches, among Christians, who, of all people, should know better.”

Yes, they do a lot of talking about why it’s okay to be single, all the while pointing out the Jesus himself was single–and celibate. In the Christian world if you’re single you can never express your sexuality physically.

Wouldn’t the world be a different place if everyone observed that dictum…