Single, smart , analytically minded women get the short stick – from everyone


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Can you believe it? Bloomberg News reports that single women who are analytical and smart are penalized in their careers – fewer promotions, etc. – more than any other type of worker, including single men and married women!

If you’re sharp-minded and not known for your people skills – as are so many men – you will be punished. And check out the paragraph about vacationing with friends versus with husband and kids! Just unbelievable. And, as they say, depressing.

Amazing – though maybe not – that smart single women are still such a threat to so many, male and female, in our society. The way some of the laws around reproductive rights and voting are changing makes me think the next thing you know, smart single women will start getting thrown into bodies of water to prove they’re actually witches.

Here’s the link. Read it and weep. 

Women's lives


Everybody knows that women operate on a different plane than men do. Most of us have the ability to concentrate on many things at once, and most guys don’t. If you’ve ever read any of Dave Barry’s stuff, you may remember the cute illustration he used to make this point. The diagram of the woman’s brain is divided into about 300 separate segments, each labeled with a critical piece of a woman’s life–buy groceries, walk dog, clean carpets, dust, work, read to kids, plan dinner, consider career change, etc. etc.

The guy’s brain is shown segmented into three parts–food, beer, and football–in almost equal measures.

Thanks to the RE:INVENTION blog about marketing to women, we’ve got this tidbit… Executive women–who now make up about 1/3 of all company relocations–typically take longer than men to return to full productivity after the move. I wonder why? I added a little comment over there, too. Enjoy–they’ve got a lot to say.